A special Christmas
tradition on film

Carols by Candlelight

A magical time of year and a magical night. It was fantastic to be apart of this treasured Victorian tradition Carols by Candlelight. Our invitation came on behalf of the event’s major sponsor, Priceline Pharmacy. Our object was to capture the magic, family fun and entertainment with video and photography.

  • Client:

    Priceline Pharmacy

  • Location:

    Meyer Music Bowl - Melbourne

  • Date:

    December, 2017

  • Project:

    Priceline Pharmacy - Carols By Candlelight

  • Producer:

    Jesse Spezza

  • Camera Operator/ Editor:

    Callum Harrison


Watch this any time of the year and you’ll feel like it’s December 24th. It was so great to be apart of the magic at this famous Christmas tradition as we captured the fun activities and services made available by Priceline Pharmacy.

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